
The Combined Cadet Force

Terms & Conditions of joining the Combined Cadet Forces


The Terms and Conditions of Service (TCS) relate to the membership of the Combined Cadet Force (CCF) by all students wishing to join UTC Heathrow CCF membership.

  1. By completing and signing the “Application to Join UTC Heathrow CCF” forms 3822A & 3822H you are agreeing to the TCS for the CCF.  You should therefore retain a copy of this TCS for future referenceor save this page.

Uniform and Equipment Deposit:

  1. I understand that a deposit of £ 50.00 is required for Uniform and Equipment.  This can be paid by cash or cheque made payable to UTC Heathrow CCF.
  2. On leaving the contingent, the deposit will be returned, provided all uniform and equipment is returned and signed back in good condition, allowing for fair wear and tear.  Lost or mislaid Uniform and Equipment will be charged against the deposit at the current rate of replacement, which may forfeit the return of the deposit.
  3. All uniform should be returned laundered.

Uniform and Equipment Issue:

  1. I understand that my son / daughter / ward will be required to sign for any uniform and equipment issued to them, and during this time, they will be responsible for the said equipment.
  2. Upon return, he / she will sign to say uniform and equipment has been returned.
  3. If the uniform is lost and replaced during the student’s time in the cadets then I may be required to pay for the replacement.
  4. I understand that footwear is not provided and that I will need to provide suitable boots (black or brown) for external training (all students) and black parade shoes (RAF only), These items can be purchased from UTC Heathrow CCF


  1. I understand that I must complete the attached medical document 3822H and advise the CCF on any changes that may occur.
  2. If there is a requirement to control any medication then the details will be provided to the CCF in writing.
  3. I understand that CCF activity may involve strenuous physical exercise and will advise the CCF if there are any restrictions on undertaking such exercise.
  4. I understand that if my child / ward gets an infectious disease then I must prevent them from attending the CCF and advise the CCF of the nature of the infection and the duration of the absence.

Dietary Restrictions:

  1. I will advise the CCF if there any dietary restrictions or special dietary requirements or regime.

Personal Details:

  1. I understand that I must advise the CCF of any changes of address and contact numbers in case of emergency.
  2. I will advise the CCF if there is a change in the details of the parent or guardian and whether this change is permanent or temporary.  Any change that is advised will include contact details of the address and telephone number.

Attendance and Non-Attendance Notification:

  1. Parade Evenings; I understand that it is expected that cadets attend all parade evenings. If a cadet is ill or absent for other reasons, it is expected that you contact the CCF to inform them of any absence.
  2. Other Training; I understand that I must advise the CCF as soon as reasonably possible if a cadet is unable to attend a camp or any other external activity that they have applied to attend.

Absence from School:

  1. I will request from the school permission for my child / ward to be absent if they wish to attend CCF activities that take place during the normal school day.
  2. I understand that attendance on courses, camps and other activities may require my son / daughter / ward to be absent from school, and that it is his/her responsibility to catch up on any work that their subject teachers have set.

Deposits for Camps, Courses and other Activities:

  1. I understand that any deposits paid for external training may be withheld if my son / daughter / ward is unable to attend for whatever reason.
  2. I understand that a nominol subscription of £8.50 is to be paid monthly to help fund items, equipment, awaydays and training not covered by CCF or school funding.


  1. Items of personal equipment and money are not covered by the contingent’s insurance and are used at their owners’ risk.

Discharge and Suspension:

  1. I understand that my son / daughter / ward may be discharged for instances involving bullying, racism, being excluded from their School, other disciplinary reasons, as well as any activity which affects the Health and Safety of others.
  2. For minor offences or during the investigation of serious offences, I understand that my child / ward may be temporarily suspended from the CCF.

Health and Safety:

  1. I understand that to comply with Health and Safety regulations, no jewellery of any kind can be worn during CCF activities.
  2. I will ensure that my child / ward is aware that they may not bring to the CCF any offensive weapons, including any knives (except normal eating implements).

 CCF Activities:

  1. I understand that the CCF may include a range of activities and give general consent for my child / ward’s participation.  These activities may include:

(1)  Exercises and camps, including overnight, which are in accommodation.
(2)  Exercises and camps, including overnight, which are under canvas or non-permanent accommodation.
(3)  Exercises in rough terrain, including the use of CCF weapons.
(4)  Ranges, both indoor and outdoor, using CCF weapons and service equipment.
(5)  Flying in British and NATO military passenger transport aircraft.
(6)  Flying in other types of British and NATO military aircraft including high performance jets.
(7)  Flying in light aircraft and gliders for the purposes of air experience and instruction.
(8)  Flying in light aircraft and gliders on his / her own as a solo pilot.
(9)  Adventurous training.
(10) Leadership courses.
(11) Watermanship activities.
(12) Use of radios and other communication equipment.

  1. I understand that I will be advised about specific CCF events and be asked to confirm my consent for my child / ward’s participation.
  2. I will inform the CCF in writing should I wish to withhold my consent to any specific activity or event.


  1. I understand that my son / daughter / ward must comply with current service regulations regarding appearance, as they wear the uniform of His Majesty's armed services.
  2. For boys, the hair should be neat & tidy, if long hair is worn, it should be tied in a ponytail which allows the wearing of headdress.  For girls, the hair should be bunched or braided up to the top / back of the head above the collar or a ponytail down the center of the back allowing headdress to be worn

Photographs, Filming and Use of Names:

  1. I understand that my son / daughter / ward may have his/her photograph taken, be used on video film and have their name attached for the purpose of administration, training and public relations whilst carrying out CCF activities.
  2. If there is any restriction on the publication of my child’s / ward’s picture or name then I will notify the CCF of the extent of such restrictions.

Contact Details:

  1. Address:       

UTC Heathrow
Combined Cadet Force
Potter Street

  1. Open:  Term Time - Tues 1000-1800 hrs & Thurs 1000-1800 hrs.
  2. Parade Term Time - Tues 1600-1800 hrs & Thurs 1600-1800 hrs.
  3. E-mail: ccf@heathrow-utc.org 
  4. Tel.No (During open hours):  01923-602130 ext:1022  




Air Experience Flying
Adventure Training
Lots of Fun